Guest blog post by Department of Maryland Unit 108 Member and Treasurer Casey Kneipp
Annually, Unit 108 holds a community Meet N’ Greet as a fundraiser for Post 108, raising an average of $750 each year. We invite local community groups to host a table, and we invite community members to learn about all of the organizations in our town (including the Legion, Sons, and Auxiliary). Additionally, this event provides the post an opportunity to showcase the post hall for potential rentals and building use for community groups.
Unit 108 members volunteer hundreds of hours in support of Post 108 each year:
- One member manages bi-weekly hall rentals for a local senior citizens group — The DMV Senior Hand Dancers (many of whom are Legionnaires) — preparing the hall, tending the bar, and cleaning the hall after rentals.
- Another member administers the Facebook and Instagram pages for Post 108 with over 1,164 followers. The two accounts promote post events and fundraisers, as well as American Legion Family awareness.
- Additional unit members assist Post 108 with regularly scheduled musical events. The 108 Music Series of Post 108 presents some of the best live music from local to Grammy-nominated acts and more.
- Some members assist with landscaping, maintaining a native plant garden in conjunction with a local native plant group.
Unit 108 just wrapped up a fundraising effort in conjunction with Sons Squadron 108 to raise $583 for The American Legion Emergency Fund.
Currently, Unit 108 is working with Post 108 to purchase a plaque recognizing the historic designation recently awarded to Post 108 as one of the oldest structures — built in 1938 — in Cheverly, Md., a newly designated historic district.
Unit 108 members have stripped and waxed floors, painted walls, remodeled bathrooms, scrubbed toilets, planted gardens, decluttered and reorganized attics, staffed Legion events, decorated the post for holidays, carpooled Legionnaires, shampooed carpets, stripped decades of cigarette tar off walls, managed the post bar, scheduled rentals, and worked hand in hand with Legionnaires and Sons to keep Post 108 active and an integral part of our local community.
The Post 108 Family members are family, friends, and neighbors.

Unit 108 raises funds throughout the year, joining other Cheverly community groups. In the spring, the unit combines efforts with the Cheverly Garden Club plant sale. The unit holds a bake sale to raise poppy funds and awareness. In the fall, the unit works with the St. Ambrose Men’s Club Beer Garden at Cheverly Day; the unit sells wine. In winter, the unit holds an annual St Patrick’s Day basket raffle.
Funds and items Unit 108 has donated to Post 108 in the last decade:
- $1,000 for a new keyless door security system
- $200 for a local veteran’s family support
- $124 to The American Legion Emergency Fund on behalf of Post 108
- $140 new roof fund
- $112 smokeless outdoor ashtrays
- $30 first aid supplies
- $90 all forces birthday celebrations
- $250 for a local veteran’s family support
- $200 to The American Legion Emergency Fund on behalf of Post 108
- $270 replaced all the table linens for the post hall
- $2,500 purchased and installed an automated emergency defibrillator for Post 108
- $500 to The American Legion Emergency Fund on behalf of Post 108
- $165 purchased and installed changing tables in four of the five restrooms in Post 108
- $500 for the last three years Unit 108 has arranged for and made fresh flower arrangements for the tables, as well as the place settings at the annual Veterans Day dinner
- $200 replaced all the window treatments and hardware in the Ross Tayman Hall and remodeled the display box in the bar
- $1,400 Unit 108 purchased new glass front beverage coolers for the Ross Tayman Hall
- $250 in housekeeping supplies to Post 108

Unit 108 is fortunate to have several dedicated and talented members who donate their time and talents to help raise funds with handmade crafts and bright ideas our community readily supports.
The above listed monetary donations the unit has made to Post 108 are just a partial list of Unit 108’s efforts to support veterans. In addition, Unit 108 is active in supporting local veterans organizations such as the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home, the D.C. VA, Fisher House, and Friendship House.